About me
Silvia Fiamberti

About me

I'm Silvia and I'm a multipotentialite.

When I'm not in front of a computer, you can find me exploring some new project or passion... call me a restless soul. I was convinced this was a negative trait, I felt dissatisfied and in the constant search for "what I'm going to be when I grow up" ... looking for a perfect balance.

Finally, I realized that the impossibility of framing life in a single scheme is not a limit but a great opportunity.
I am curious, capable of combining multiple ideas and disciplines for creating something completely new. I enjoy the collaboration with people coming from different contexts, with the willingness to always learn something new.

Creative path

I'm a web & graphic designer. After getting a Master of Arts in Communication Design (Politecnico di Milano), I worked for more than 10 years, both for universities (PoliMi and USI) and communication agencies, on projects for major Italian and international brands. Currently, I'm a freelancer: want to collaborate?

Holistic path

I am an A.P.O.S certified shiatsu practitioner (Italian law 4/2013).
I studied shiatsu at the Himawari school in Monza from 2015 to 2018.
Shiatsu for horses certification.
Tibetan bowls certification.